Category Archives: Muscle Building Tips

Why You Should NOT Try to Isolate Muscle Groups When Weight Training

Working as a fitness professional, there is one type of question I get all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this: “What exercise can I do to isolate my ____ (insert your muscle of choice – abs, quads, biceps, triceps, etc)?” It doesn’t matter which muscle someone is asking about, they always seem to be asking how to ‘isolate’ it. My first response to this question is always […]

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Muscle Building Supplement Advice

Building muscle is more than just working out, and it is more than just using muscle building supplements. There really is a right way – a scientifically proven way – to build mass muscle. Here are some tips: 1. Make sure that you are getting enough protein, through food and muscle building supplements. Furthermore, make sure that the protein that you are getting is high quality protein. Without the proper amount of protein, your muscles will not only stop growing, but you will lose muscle as well. […]

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How to Build Muscle in 4 Steps

How do I build muscle is a question asked by thousands of beginning bodybuilders every year. There is a lot of information out there, but it is not all accurate. The body building world can be intimidating for a beginner, so here we will answer the basic question “How do I build muscle?” Step 1 What you need to do first off to answer the how do I build muscle question is learn the correct techniques for a weight training system. There is no need to over […]

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